Think Tank MeetUp #17

Think Tank MeetUp #17

Hope all of you have had a great summer! At Soundlings we’ve all been really busy with various projects. The Think Tank Meetups took a little time off but now its time for the 17th session!

This time around we will focus our discussion on “Specialising yourself while also maintaining a broad view”. Many artists seem to encounter this dilemma… On the one hand it pays off to specialize in certain fields, gaining the kind of expert knowledge that makes one stand out among peers. On the other hand its extremely useful to have a broad knowledge that reaches across many different fields of expertise. And there is never enough time to do it all. In our meetup we can share experiences and talk about the choices we made.

We are currently waiting for confirmation on the space but the meetup will take place on the 18th of September. Watch this page for more information very soon!

If you feel like you have something interesting to add to the discussion please send a mail with your motivation to thinktank [AT] soundlings [DOT] com.
As usual there will be a video stream available for the online viewers.

Categorized: All , Events

One comment on “Think Tank MeetUp #17

  1. Martijn Zandvliet on said:

    Fuck yeah Think Tanks!

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