Think Tank MeetUp #16 – “InYourEars”

Think Tank MeetUp #16 – “InYourEars”

The topic “Investigation into headphone based work and mobile listening” will be introduced by Duncan Speakman! Below you can read his thoughts on the subject:

“I want to make this session an opportunity for debate and investigation into headphone based work and mobile listening.

They’ve been around for over 100 years now but I think we still don’t full understand the complexities of the headphone listening experience

…The listening to one acoustic space while your eyes show you another…

…The layering of a recorded sound experience on to a realtime physical experience…


As I’m really interested in the experiential side of this topic it would be great if we have the opportunity to actually experience some of the things we’re discussing . . so if possible bring along a pair of headphones . . and maybe some examples of things you’ve experienced or created (obviously there’s a lot of site-specific headphone work that doesn’t work so well out of context, but it might still be useful as examples) or demos of technologies and systems you’ve used/created.

I’ll be bringing along a few bits of tech we’ve developed and examples of various forms of content we’ve experimented with over the years”

The discussion will take place at Villa K, Violenweg 2, The Hague on the 23rd of April. If you feel like you have something interesting to add to the discussion please send a mail with your motivation to thinktank [AT] soundlings [DOT] com.
As usual there will be a video stream available for the online viewers.

So bring your headphones and we’ll be looking forward to meeting you all!

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