Think Tank MeetUp #15 – Audio in Games: Episode 2

Think Tank MeetUp #15 – Audio in Games: Episode 2

The Soundlings Collective organizes regular meetings to informally discuss current topics of interest for the broader field of music, art, sound, culture & technology.

Think Tank Meetup #15 will be the second of a series of meetups that take place at the Dutch Game Garden. Discussion will be lead by Martijn Zandvliet (Volo Airsport).

With these Think Tank Meetups we are homing in on the field of Game Audio. We will discuss sound design and composition in the context of this new and dynamic medium. What is it, where did it come from, where is it now, where is it going, where do we want it to go?

Session 2: Audio Creation Workflow

We look at how audio for games is created today, from concept to execution. What tools are used? How is the audio creation process integrated in the whole of the development process? Can we identify any bottlenecks or design flaws? How do our tools influence the type of audio and the type of games we make? Are there concepts we struggle to realize because our tools hold us back?

Please let us know of any tools, projects or games that you think should be mentioned during this session! You can either post on the Think Tank Facebook page or mail directly to thinktank[AT]soundlings[DOT]com.

Date: Wednesday 3 April, 2013
Time: 19:30
Location: Dutch Game Garden, Neude 5 3512 AD Utrecht

Cost: Free
Attendance is limited and by reservation.
If you are interested in joining the discussion send us a mail via: thinktank[AT]soundlings[DOT]com
You can also participate in the discussion by catching the live video stream/chat  here!


Categorized: All , Events

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