Think Tank Meetup #14

Think Tank Meetup #14

It already time for the 14th session of the Think Tank Meetups!

This time around, our topic “How festivals can provide a more valuable and supportive environment for artists” was provided by Jarl Schulp, member of the Fiber Festival crew. Festivals have always been an exciting and inspiring way for an audience to experience the works of a lot of artists, all at the same time. From an artist perspective though… experiences may vary. One would hope to see a lot of creative energy arising while artists from many different backgrounds get a chance to meet, but all too often there is hardly a chance to do so. In our discussion we hope to focus our thoughts on these and other issues regarding artists and festivals. Fiber Festival, CultFest and Discovery Festival (among others) will be joining the discussion either online or at the Damrak 70 on the 14th of March at 7:30pm CET.

If you feel like you have something interesting to add to the discussion please send a mail with your motivation to thinktank [AT] soundlings [DOT] com.
As usual there will be a video stream available for the online viewers.

Categorized: All , Events

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