Sudden Emerging Voices || Soundpiece Rotterdam

  • soundpiece


‘Sudden Emerging Voices’ is a collaboration that has been established through the ‘Soundlings’ collective. This is the second composition of Georgios Papadakis (FetaPapa) for the ‘Soundpiece’, while Mark IJzerman and Tijs Ham are sound artists who have had already worked together on several projects in the past. Together they have created an eclectic sound collage which uses several different manipulated wind instruments as its source material.

Soundpiece is an installation that serves as an open audio stage. It’s consisting of 32 small 100-watt speakers set in a grid under the wooden surface of the Rotterdam square Schouwburgplein.

The city of Rotterdam is always moving. Groups of people head out into the streets to buy their groceries, get a coffee or catch the latest movie. While crossing the big square something unexpected happens. Ethereal sounds slowly start to rise from the floorboards, surrounding the passersby. They’ve unknowingly entered the performance space of an intricate composition played over 24 speakers built into the ground. Washes of breath like soundscapes are interrupted by short musical passages consisting of manipulated accordions, angelic voices and whispering flutes. Visitors are able to enter the piece at any point, perhaps listen for some time before heading of to continue their daily routine.



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