Think Tank #19 – Am I A Useful Idiot?
The Soundlings Collective organizes regular meetings to informally discuss current topics of interest for the broader field of music, art, sound, culture & technology.
This session’s topic will be introduced by Marcel Wierckx.
“Am I A Useful Idiot, or, What Can Aristotle, Matthew Arnold, G.W.F. Hegel, John Rawls and Grayson Perry Tell Us About Art and Technology?
My entire youth and education was steeped in the idea that technology is a force for both individual and collective empowerment. In my talk I will explain why I no longer believe this to be true.”
Date: Tuesday 3 December, 2013
Time: 19:30
Location: Soundlings Space / De Etalage, Marshallaan 279, 3527 TH Utrecht
Cost: Free
Attendance is limited and by reservation.
If you are interested in joining the discussion send us a mail via: thinktank[AT]soundlings[
You can also participate in the discussion by catching the live video stream/chat here!